Differences between Matters production and Business models

Differences between Matters production and Business models

Although "Differences between Matters production and Business models" are presented herein, they are basically same. However, the business model is not presented as business model but matters production intentionally, which does make sense.Let's look at Daijisen (Most major dictionary in Japan). The interpretation of business model is;1: "Methods and forms that can be worked out as a business."
2: "Mechanism to generate profit."
Those two interpretations are drawn there.

Peter Drucker explains that business model can be the answer to questions, "Who is the customers? What is worth to them? How to offer the worth at reasonable price?".
Comparing it with the interpretation by Daijisen, it can be same as the above 1 "Methods and forms that can be worked out as a business." In the sense, when a business model is applied, that can go for the same as Matters production.

What is a business model different from matters production?

Worked out as a business

Then, what is a business model that is different from matters production?
It is the case that a business model is applied to "Mechanism to generate profit" as the interpretation in the above 2. Unless a business is charity, companies must seek for any profits.
However, business models have been lean to too emphasis on “Profit” from a certain time like “How much we can earn with the business model?”, “Concoct business models to generate any profits!”, and so on.

Looking back again the definition by Drucker, he said business model can be the answer to questions, "Who is the customers? What is worth to them? How to offer the worth at reasonable prices?".The definition starts with "customers".
He defines that methods and forms that can be worked out as a business is a business model while positioning customers as the starting point.

Business model that is not profit-oriented

Now the time is said to be the era of user experience and customer experience. The time must be just the era we have to start with customers.

From "Profit-oriented" to "Customer-oriented".

Since the era that things can be sold along the manufacturing has been over, we use Matters production that can be the antonym to things in Things manufacturing so as to express business model that is not profit-oriented.