"Words to sell” and “Words to buy”

“Words to sell” and “Words to buy”

“Words to sell” is
the words that comes from companies’ sides conveniences, which they are sure to sell.
On the other hand, "Words to buy" is
the words to express the motivation that living people want to buy.

When it comes to smartphones which are equipped with the trendy trinocular cameras,"Equipped with three cameras which can shoot with wide-angle, standard and telephoto lenses"
is the “Words to sell”.
"It has been available to express the intentions of much more wider range of photographers"
is the "Words to buy”.
The former represents "performance and functions" and the latter does "utility".Although the wide-angle lens can have the function to shoot much more wider range, and the telephoto lens can have the function to do an distant object larger, only common pictures can be put out just using these functions. Perspective expression can be realized using the wide-angle, and compression effect can be done using the telephoto lenses. They are the utility. Haven’t you experienced to see a picture of skyscrapers in Tokyo and an evening view of Mt. Fuji, which was taken with a telephoto lens, and look Mt. Fuji much larger and close to you before? That is the compression effect of the telephoto lens.

Needs of living people

Needs of the era have shifted from "things" to "matters". Now time that things cannot be sold only with their “functions*” unless the “utilities*” can be conveyed to “living people*” has come. A smartphone which can simply take beautiful pictures does not make sense. “Matters” living people want is a smartphone which has the utility to take pictures that can get “like” when they are uploaded to SNS.“Words to sell” does not work in the era of “Matters”.
What living people desire is “Matters” = “Words to buy”.

What is the thing living people buy?

Objects to buy for living people 01

What is the thing living people buy?
Matters that are not “Product-out*” but “Market-in*
Matters that are not “Product-out*” but “Customer-in*

Don’t talk about “"performance & function" but "utility".

"Performance & function" is "Words to sell”, "Utility" is "Word to buy".
"Function & performance" becomes commoditization, and "utility" becomes a differentiating factor.

Objects to buy for living people 02

What is living people buy?
What living people buy is not things but "WHY".
What living people buy is not things but "Meanings".
What living people buy is not things but "Experiences".
What living people buy is not things but "Things for matters”.


Works, actions, and abilities that "things" present. It is used versus "utility" to remark "What companies think they can do unilaterally" versus "utility” in the presentation here.Return to the text ↑
Utility used in the presentation here does not mean "usability or application" in general but corresponds to the basic concept of economics. When many functions are available, "What can be done" of "What can be done for living people?" is the utility.Return to the text ↑
Living people
Consumers that refers to persons who consume goods including merchandises and services, are persons who can be the object of “Probusiness product-out subject to things first”. “Persons” that is used in “What people want to realize or experience” in terms of UX and CX is expressed as “Living people” versus consumers.Return to the text ↑
Products put out with one-sided logic of the manufacturers without any consideration for the markets’ needs.Return to the text ↑
While "product-out" is created by the one-sided logic of the manufacturers without consideration of market needs, "market-in" is created by reflecting the market needs. It can be the approach.Return to the text ↑
Similar to market-in, it is a thing that reflects the needs of markets, though, it is a thing that was made to focus on customers more. It can be the approach.Return to the text ↑